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What causes bubbles in the wallpaper?

- Bubbles are more likely to form on wallpapers with a paper backing.
- Bubbles may form if you do not follow the instructions regarding soaking time, so that the wallcovering continues to expand on the wall.
- Some pieces may have dried out already during soaking (this is more likely in the folds).
- The surface is sealed: at some places, too much adhesive may accumulate. This causes glue bubbles, but the adhesive will usually disappear into the surface or through the wallpaper.
- The surface is damp: the moisture repels the wallpaper or the adhesive does not stick.
- The user did not wait long enough when applying adhesive to the wall: therefore the paste does not yet have enough adhesive strength.
- Heavier wallcoverings, especially heavier non-woven wallcoverings, are inclined to curl up at the outer corners. It may help to apply extra adhesive to the backing at the corners to make the material suppler or one can also pull the non-woven wallcovering loose and manually pre-fold the corner in the wallcovering.

- At the inner corners the user hung and did not cut. If wallcovering is dimensionally unstable, bubbles may form when the wallcovering shrinks during drying. Dimensionally stable as well as dimensionally unstable wallcovering will be stretched out too much when trying to press it into the inner corner (which is never perfectly straight anyway). Bubbles are most likely to form at such places.
- The paste is too weak.
- Not enough paste was applied and it has already dried up at some places.
- The surface is not solid enough – adhesive has been applied over old wallcovering, the adhesive used to paste the wallcovering was too weak, layers of paint or plaster with poor adhesive strength come loose.
- Bubbles may form in non-woven wallcoverings if the non-woven covering is not correctly brushed on the wall. The remaining bubble will not go away because of the non-woven wallcovering's dimensional stability.